15/10/2024 Helsingin Sanomat on my book releaseThis new interview in Helsingin Sanomat dives in the depth of my this week to-be-published book on dark side of social media. The book is titled Mitä some tekee meille?.
12/9/2024 Helsingin Sanomat on Tiktok's safety![]() TikTok has launched a new set of safety features on its platform but they are not sufficient to keep minors or adults safe. Read the full story here.
My book about dark side of social media published by Tammi will be out on 17.10.2024!My book will be out this fall and can be ordered here. In this non-fiction book I share my experiences on social media addiction and crime, and especially our work at SomeBuddy/Someturva.
I'm working on a special project this spring!Will be able to tell more soon!
13/11/2023 On YLE morning TV: Meta became a paid service?Facebook and specifically Meta offered a paid version of their services to the users promising to not being targeted with marketing. What does this mean? Discussing the topic in the morning TV, watch the program here.
1/11/2023 A-Studio on TV about addictive TikTokI was invited to discuss my expert opinion about the addictive mechanisms of TikTok and how it has impacted young people's wellbeing in Europe and in the Nordics. You can watch the program here (in Finnish).
10/6/2023 Helsingin Sanomat interview on excessive social media consumption on vacationGave an interview to Helsingin Sanomat about healthy boundaries in using social media on free time. The HS also created an interactive poll where everyone can give their "screen time" preference. Read the article here.
2/5/2023 speaking in YLE's popular podcast about how social media manipulates human behaviorVisited Yle's popular podcast program that is focused on different forms of manipulation. In the episode I visited the main topic was how social media manipulates people. This podcast including the other episodes can definitely get my recommendations. Go to Yle Areena and listen here.
26/4/2023 speaking at Techarenan Stockholm about how to found an impact companyFelt very privileged to step up on stage at Techarenan Stockholm and talk about the many sides of founding an impact company and how "making the change" requires systematic hard work. Thank you Techarenan for inviting me! The photo was taken by Camilla Svensk.
4/4/2023 on morning TV Huomenta Suomi program talking about social media's effect on the parliamentary election in FinlandStarted the day off early at MTV Studios talking about the effect social media has on voting behaviors and how the Finnish parliamentary elections 2023 were shaped by social media platforms such as TikTok. You can watch the morning program episode here.
13/2/2023 visiting Yle's radio/podcast program by Roman Schatz on the implications of social mediaRoman invited me to his program to talk about social media as a part of our society and how has the world changed due its power. In addition we discussed how different generations appropriate social media very distinctive ways. You can listen to the pod here.
19/12/2022 Privacy Pod episode 48 guest on how social media is violating our privacyVisited PrivacyPod to talk about many ways how social media violates our privacy. In the most parts of the discussion we talked about kids and young people using social media and what kind of threats they have to deal everyday - without their parents knowing anything about the horrors they face. Listen to the pod here.
26/11/2022 Interviewed by the Helsingin Sanomat about changes in TwitterElon Musk bought Twitter and the Helsingin Sanomat wanted to interview on how these changes in the foundations of Twitter will be perceived by the rest of the world. You can read the full article here.
9/11/2022 Featuring Yle's podcast Sometilinteko about how to be authentic in social mediaSometilinteko podcast wanted to discuss how to be authentic in one's social media presence. This is an insightful pod abou Instagram and women trying to feel good about themselves online. You can listen to the pod here.
3/11/2022 on Yle's morning TV talking about algorithms of social media and Twitter's recent changesYle's morning TV invited me to talk about the recent news around social media including the forthcoming regulation and changes in Twitter's foundations. You can watch the program here.
22/8/22 YLE Morning TV on Prime Minister's social mediaVisited YLE Morning TV to talk about how social media changes the political influencing and how we should understand the power of social media in the sphere of politics and personal branding. You can watch the TV program here.
22/8/22 Helsingin Sanomat interview on running multiple Instagram accountsWas interviewed for the Helsingin Sanomat about different ways of using Instagram. The interviewer was especially interested in how social media influencers can have public profiles and accounts, and at the same time have parallel private accounts for their closer friend circles where they share e.g., party dancing videos. You can read the article here.
22/8/22 On YLE radio program YLE 1 on the power of social media in politicsJoined the radio program together with Sitra's researcher with whom we talked about the question "How social media has changed politics". To describe my point of view with one word only, I would say: Zelenskyi. You can listen to the program here.
28/10/2021 On Helsingin Sanomat about how to get rid of social mediaWas interviewed for an extensive Helsingin Sanomat article about how to resist social media and how some people are now forerunners in minimizing their technology consumption. You can read the full article here.
22/11/2021 On MTV Morning TV Program about social media making politics and decision making differentWas invited to MTV Morning TV to discuss social media creating new type of dynamics in public decision making and politics. In the studio there was also Petteri Järvinen and Janne Hopsu joining the very interesting discussion. You can watch the morning episode here.
28/1/2021 On Marja Sannikka TV ShowOn Marja Sannikka's TV Show talking about how social media is designed to exploit everyone's time and energy with brilliant psychological means that are very hard to resist. You can watch the episode here.
14/1/2021 Anna-magazine interview about wellbeing in social mediaAnna.fi interviewed me about how should we take care of our wellbeing while spending countless hours on social media. My key take here is that it's everyone's responsibility to regulate the time and mind we offer for endless feeds. You can ace the article HERE.
16/12/2020 Iltalehti article about bullying on social media platformsShared concrete tips on what to do when you see someone being bullied online. It's always a. good idea to act as fast as you can. You can read the article HERE.
15/12/2020 Finnish Internet Forum: The Social DilemmaParticipated the FIF as a panelist talking about online harassment and abuse that kids and young people suffer in today's online environment.Event was organized by Save the Children, also Facebook's Christine Grahn and A-Klinikan Kaarlo Simojoki were part of the forum. You can watch the streamed panel HERE.
2/12/2020 YLE Kioski Video by Emma Karasjoki: Sex came to social mediaNew social media platform Only Fans is not free-of-charge. If you want to follow and see your favorite's activities you need to pay money for it. This has resulted in people selling very problematic contents to their followers. Watch the episode HERE.
24/11/2020 Generation Equality seminar by the Ministry of Foreign AffairsWas invited to give a short commentaire to a panel with high relevance to girls' future on technical education and professions. This is one of the most dear topics to me.
4/11/2020 Puoli Seitsemän TV show hosted me as their guestHad lots of fun in the daily TV show hosted my Ella Kanninen and Mikko Kekäläinen. They even surprised me with my favorite but a bit embarrassing treat that I secretly love. Check out the show at YleAreena HERE.
26/20/2020 Aamulehti article telling about my missionAamulehti published the same story that came out last week on the HS. Aamulehti chose the title a bit differently, announcing about how I don't feel like talking about the upsides of the social media in my interviews. You can access the article HERE.
7/10/2020 Discussing with Maaret Kallio about boundaries on social mediaHad the privilege to discuss with respected psychotherapist Maaret Kallio about social media and the boundaries we so easily lose if we are not aware of the risks. You can read her blog post HERE.
10/2020: HS article about my mission and my work dealing with social mediaHS Sanna Huolman interviewed me about my background and my mission in life. The text tells a great deal about me; also about how much I love traditional Finnish meat pies. You can read the full article HERE.
4/8/2020 YLE Podcast on the trending topic of #challengeacceptedWas invited to the Takaisin Pasilaan podcast to discuss #challengeaccepted and what should we think about the impact of the campaign. You can catch the podcast HERE.
30/7/2020 NYT.fi interview about the picture challenge on Instagram #challengeacceptedNyt.fi wanted to know my thoughts on #challengeaccepted and whether the original campaign was ruined when it spread globally. You can read the article HERE.
20/6/2020 YLE Areena document about online crime with social media influencer Laura RosillaYLE Areena's new documentary series started with an episode with myself and the energetic social media influencer Laura Rosilla whose Youtube account was hacked with serious consequences. Go watch the episode HERE.
5/2020 Digihuijatut TV Series: Online HarrassmentAs one of the experts in the series I explain the dynamics of social media and how does it has the power to amplify negative spirals. You can watch the episode HERE.
5/2020 Digihuijatut TV Series: Cyberbullying
19/5/2020 Ministry of Finance AuroraAI keynoteFirst time for me to give a keynote remotely for this AuroraAI event. My talk was about AI and human-centered digitalization, especially when looking at the young people's needs and behaviors.
21/4/2020 YLE Aamu TV: COVID-19 behaviors on social mediaYLE Aamu TV morning program invited me to the studio to talk about people's behavior on social media during COVID-19. You can see the clip HERE.
2020 Savon Sanomat: Heavy bullying on Snapchat and YoloSavon Sanomat had made a small study among Snapchat and Yolo using young people in Eastern Finland. They found that the bullying the young people face is brutal. Gave my insight on the topic and also checked with SomeBuddy's lawyer the best tips. You can read the article HERE.
2020 Savon Sanomat: Kids don't tell about the crime they face on social mediaGreat article about bullying on the social media platform the youngest users use. Gave my insight on the topic, you can read it HERE.
11/21/19 Huomenta Suomi: Talking about the visit to the Royal Palace and Slush 2019In the morning TV to tell about my visit to meet the Their Majesties King and Queen of Sweden and today launching Slush 2019. See the clip HERE.
11/20/19 HS: Their Majesties King & Queen of Sweden invited to present SomeBuddyWas greatly honored to get invited to the Royal Palace of Sweden to present our work at SomeBuddy to fight children sexual abuse online. Helsingin Sanomat Finance section wrote an article about us. You can read it HERE.
20/11/19 Tunteella Podcast: Social media & emotions
1/24/19 A-Studio: Talk / Teknologiajättien valtaGot invited to a tv panel to discuss the invisible power the tech giants have globally. The elections in Finland are close and the dynamics of social media platforms and ownership of data seem to be a mystery for everyone. HERE is the link to the full show.
52/2018 Suomen Kuvalehti: Se parempi minäSuomen Kuvalehti made a personal professional article about my work and vision. To get interviewed about such a dear topic is a great honor for me personally. The link to the full text HERE (paywall).
11/2018 Kauppalehti Optio: Verkkohäiriköinnin uhritThe business magazine in Finland interviewed me about the cure for social media harassment. At Someturva we are working very hard to make an impact. The link to the text is HERE.
30/8/18Image-magazine article on my thinking about digitalization & AIWhat an honor to tell the Image how I perceive the current digitalization realm and how I think we should act upon it. The world is complex, we just need to find the ways of being human. Read it here.
8/18 PODCAST: Generation Z & social media useIn the podcast we talk about generation Z and their distinct ways of using social media. Listen to the podcast here.
Stalking on social media - interviewed for HS 22.8.2018HS collected material from their readers asking if they committed stalking on social media. I contributed to the analysis of the results and discussed how it prevails very natural for us people to stalk one another. You can tap it here.
2.8.2018 YLE TV news: Cyberbullying in schoolsYLE came to shoot a short comment on cyberbullying. You can view the clip here.
9/2018 Sveriges Sisuradio: September without social mediaListen to the radio program here.
Interview for HS: "September without social media" is doomedMy somewhat critical comment on how we should design better behavior interventions for healthier social media use. You can read it here.
7/2018 HS interview: Social media makes us compare ourselves to others.Social media creates a social psychological setting where people can't help comparing themselves with others. You can read the entire piece here.
Social media addiction is a serious problem - HS interviewRead here my 8 tips for healthy use of social media.
3.5.2018 YLE A-teema TV: Somen valtaIn this discussion we talk about the hidden power of social media together with Christina Forsgård, Alma Hätönen, Elina Hiltunen, Mikko Hyppönen, Jukka Lång, Jarmo Limnell, Pauli Aalto-Setälä and others. You can watch the program here.
Interviewed for HS about bloggers' exceptional revelations 2.4.2018HS asked my thoughts about bloggers' management of the publicness of their private lives.
At Radio Helsinki with Roope Salminen 27.3.2018Had a chance to discuss social media addiction with Roope Salminen who has been claimed to be addicted. The entire concept of addiction is complicated when it comes to social media - nobody wants to admit it's a problem.
Interviewed for HS about volunteering Facebook- group admins 14.4.2018Explained to HS how voluntary group admins on Facebook are appreciated in work life as well.
18.12.2017 On air with YLE RADIO: Talking about Facebook induced global problems
Facebook has changed e.g. the way how presidents get elected. You can listen the airing here.
19.10.2017 RadioHelsinki Podcast: Miten some vaikuttaa meihin yksilöinä ja yhteisöinä?On RadioHelsinki Nollahypoteesi podcast, Anni Karjala asks me how social media influences people. You can find the podcast here. |
Co-authoring the Ministry of Finance's #diginyt recommen-dations for Finland.I had the great honor to be invited to contribute to the Finland's digital transformation by co-authoring recommendations with the smartest guys: Petri Takala, Timo Ali-Vehmas and Aleksi Kopponen.
Best Picks: My take on authenticity on social media - Why it is so difficult?I was asked how faking in social media influences people's behavior. You can access the article here.
Big News!
Best Picks: Helsingin Sanomat article about profile work in social mediaI explain why people don't want to share anymore on Facebook - at least the way they used back in 2007. You can access the article here.
Talking in several events fall 2017I'm very grateful for being invited to various events to talk about the topics I consider the most important. Social media is lots of other things than marketing. This fall I have had the chance to talk to around 2,5K people.
27.6.2017 On a TV morning show on What happened with Kassahihna 24/7Kassahihna phenomenon was something media and people were surprised of. I contributed to the discussion by explaining behavioral roots of the popularity of the hihna.
10.7.2017 SuomiAreena TV-show for children's digital rightsChildren's digital rights were debated on #digiboom panel in Pori. You can view the show here.
Tubecon collaboration: future partnership and co-creation workshops with you tubers (21.6.2017)The user-centric approach in developing new services has been applied with great energy and collaboration now with Tubecon. Youtubers and crew members who took part in the development and evaluation workshops of our service are our new IDOLS.
We are honored to receive support from the former president of Finland Tarja Halonen (7.6.2017)To our great honor we were able to get Tarja Halonen to our godmother to support us to make social media a safer place for everyone. We are so grateful for this partnership.
Speaking at Legal Tech Lab Conference: Between Disruption and Regulation (9.6.2017)
Analyzed for the Helsingin Sanomat insane behaviors on Facebook (21.3.2017)Turmoil in Facebook recycling groups were analyzed for this HS article. The findings include the problems caused by mediated "Finnish"-style of communication that causes a lot of conflict!
Wohoo! Our new concept Someturva is a finalist in Vuosisadan rakentajat competition (9.3.2017)Vuosisadan rakentajat is a competition for impact driving startups and projects. The winner of the competition receives a significant funding from a consortium of 46 Finnish Foundations. The estimated amount of prize is over a 1 000 000 euros. Check out the other finalists here!
Giving a Talk: Women Leadership for Helsinki Think Company
VIDEO: Why we need
Visiting Yle's Vikasietotila - Olli ja PanuThese guys are just too much fun & smart! Download our Facebook podcast here.
Collaboration with Speakers' ForumExcited to start collaboration with Finland's biggest speaker agency.
Partnered with MightifierRecently I've partnered with Mightifier to create a vision on how to make things big. We've launched research pilots in the US and Asia. Our goal is to scale up social skills teaching and contribute to wellbeing of kids all around the world.
Speaking at - Tech Open Air - BerlinI had an honor to speak at TOA Berlin 13-15.7.2016. Check out this spectacular Tech Festival here.
The Shift - tapahtuma Turun linnassa 31.5-1.6.2016Olen panelistina The Shift:issä kahdessa eri paneelissa. Puhumme hyvässä porukassa ihmisestä keskellä MyDataa sekä IoT:a. Kuinka sosiaalipsykologinen näkökulma auttaa ymmärtämään teknologian ja ihmisen yhteispeliä?
Keynote-puhujana Prosessipäivillä 20.4.2016
Sain kunnian osallistua tämän vuoden Prosessipäiviin keynote-puhujan roolissa. Aiheena Sosiaalisuuden teknologia 2016. Kuva: Miisa Kaartinen
Katso haastatteluni Ylen aamu-tv:ssä 21.12.2015Yle:n Aamu-tv:ssä pääsin kertomaan suomalaisten somekäyttäytymisestä ja palvelusuosikeista. Olin varsin onnekas, kun tapasin studiossa myös uudessa Star Wars elokuvassa Chewbaccaa näyttelevän Joonas Suotamon.
(Photograph: Reuters) |
Kuluuko aika päivitysten suunnitteluun? Teet profiilityötä. 15.12.2015
Hieno juttu Nyt.fi:hin tutkimuksieni päätuloksista. Jutussa päästään raapaisemaan vähän pintaa syvemmälle sitä, miksi profiilityö on normaalia.
Yle:n jutussa kuvataan väitöskirjan aitousteemaa
Jutussa kerrotaan aitouden haasteesta, jota olen läpikotaisin selvittänyt väitöskirjassani.
Click here to edit.
Click here to edit.
Click here to edit.
Sivistyneen nettikeskustelun pelisäännöt
Nuorten Äänen toimitus toteutti videohaastiksen aikeenaan selvittää kuinka nettikeskusteluista voi selvitä voittajana. Suomen Kuvalehden videoblogi on katsottavissa TÄÄLTÄ.
Profiilihistoria on uhka identiteetille #some
![]() Kirjoitin Verken blogiin someprofiileihin liittyen. Profiilien laajalle yltävä aika-ulottuvuus on psykologinen uhka yksilön identiteetille. Erityisesti identiteettikokeilujen aikaan pitkälle yltävä profiilihistoria voi kuormittaa. Snapchatin kaltaiset palvelut ovat ajan tasalla perustaen logiikkansa sisällön hävittämiseen sen säilyttämisen sijaan.
Teimme Helsingin Sanomien kanssa someriippuvuustestin
Hesarin sivuilla julkaistu someriippuvuustesti tarjoaa mahdollisuuden arvioida oman käytön määrää. Testin tärkein tavoite on saada oma huomio kiinnitettyä siihen, kuinka paljon somessa tuleekaan aikaa viettäneeksi.
Bigger news
Dissertation successfully defended December 4th 2015
![]() My doctoral defense was held in the University of Helsinki, 4 Dec 2015. The digital version of the dissertation is available HERE. I will release a series of blog posts about the general findings of the dissertation.
Reimagining social media from business perspective
![]() Ongoing social media research can benefit all forms of organizations and businesses in ways that has not been applied into practice yet. I'm working on a venture that will help all organizations to exploit social media in order to interact and develop their services. The model is based on the findings presented in my dissertation and highly relevant global research. |